Thursday, March 1, 2007

Long time, no blog

I really dislike the work I'm currently doing. I mean, I usually dislike the work I do, as it is pretty boring and tedious. But most of the time, I can handle it just fine. At the moment, I'm being forced to look through lots of documents fairly meticulously searching for evidence of conduct that I'm not entirely sure I understand. There. I've just bored myself silly complaining about how boring it is... sheesh.

But, thankfully, there are a few things that make me happy right now... in no particular order:

- The new Explosions in the Sky Album, "All of A Sudden, I Miss Everyone". I've read reviews and heard people say it's not as good as their older albums, and at first, I was inclined to agree. Then I listened to it again last night and it's really fucking good. It's not as wild and dynamic as the last two (especially Those Who Tell the Truth...), but it's so fluid and beautiful. They were great live too. To all of my mythical, non-existent readers, go see them in a town near you. It's going to be a 75 minute symphony of beautiful cacophony.

- Our new couch (though we've taken the freakishly large pillows off) ... it's great. It has been quite a long time since i could sit on a couch in a reposed position and not had to adjust myself every 5 or 10 minutes because it was uncomfortable. Last night i read on the couch for about an hour and loved every comfortable minute of it.

- This person. Though she totally rained on my parade the other night - I mean seriously, daydreams about winning the lottery aren't really about the work you'll do when you get bored spending the money. I'm all about the gratuitous planning of my frivolity in spending. She's giving me grief cause I haven't started any foundations and donated the money... eventually I'd do that, but let me revel in the baths i will take in gold coins, a la Scrooge McDuck... sheesh. But really, i do love her a bit...

- On second thought, I think I'd rather throw the money up in the air while I'm surrounded by strippers, a la Pacman Jones


At March 6, 2007 at 2:43 PM , Blogger laurenj said...

Disparaging me online? I see how it is. you should write more. and don't pretend like you don't have time, because I know how much time you spend surfing the internet every day...


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